Office of the Dean for
Student Success Initiatives
Elaine DeBrine Howell, MA , LPCC
Dean for Student Success Initiatives
Joseph A. Fidel Student Services Center, Room 237
The Office for Student Success provides many services to assist students in succeeding academically at New Mexico Tech, including:
Academic Success Planning
- Academic counseling with a focus on identification of academic strengths, learning style preference, goal setting and navigating university policies and procedures
- Degree planning—assistance with informal degree audits, understanding degree requirements and departmental policies, informal academic advising
- Grade Extension Agreements-- At the instructor’s discretion and in the case of extenuating circumstances, additional time may be given to a student to complete additional work and/or exams in a course after the final grade is submitted. The grade extension agreements are monitored by the Associate Dean for Student Success
Early Intervention
- Academic Referral Program—process designed to identify students who are experiencing academic difficulty with the aim to assist them with those emerging problems before they become insurmountable. The teaching faculty is asked to refer students to the Associate Dean for Student Success beginning in the 3rd week of the semester. Typical issues of concern:
- Absences/lateness
- Missed homework, quizzes or tests
- Poor performance on homework, quizzes or tests
- Inappropriate classroom behavior
- Change in behavior
- Any other concern you may have
- Academic Warning Program—the program allows all undergraduate students whose cumulative or semester GPA falls below 2.0 the opportunity to identify and rectify obstacles to their academic success. Students on warning work with their academic advisor to complete an Academic Success plan that is reviewed and approved by the Academic Standards and Admissions Committee. A registration hold remains on the students’ account for the duration of the warning semester.
Additional Support:
- Academic Advising for Dual Credit and Special Undergraduate students
- New Faculty Advisor Training
- TA training
- Macey Scholars Program Advisor
- Fulbright Scholar Program Advisor